Grant Information

Grant Objectives

Objective 1: Finalize a nationally relevant, replicable systems and procedures plan to carry out the Idaho Living Well work scope.

Objective 2: Create an innovative HCBS quality assurance system, using a self-advocate led approach, in partnership with the Division of Medicaid that:

  • Decreases risk of abuse, neglect and other violations of rights,
  • Increases effective reporting of abuse neglect, and critical incidents,
  • Increases effective investigation of abuse, neglect and other critical incidents,
  • Collects useful data on abuse, neglect, critical incidents and violations of rights, and
  • Identifies policies and practices which increase or decrease risk of abuse or neglect.

Objective 3: Develop a sustainable self-advocate train-the-trainer model to conduct statewide training on specific topics including: self-advocacy, self-determination, individual rights, supported decision-making, principles of person-centered thinking, how to report abuse, neglect, and exploitation, and post-secondary employment and education opportunities.

Objective 4: Establish direct support professional qualifications, competencies, training requirements and propose a reimbursement model guided by evidence-based practices and quality indicators identified by individuals with DD and family members.

Objective 5: Deliver sustainable, accessible training for direct support staff taught by self-advocates, family members, and professionals guided by evidence-based practices in person-centered thinking and planning, trauma informed care, supported decision making, total and functional communication, and principles of positive behavioral intervention supports.

Objective 6: Establish a blueprint for increasing access to a culturally responsive HCBS system.

Grant Partners

Grant Funder

"This project was supported, in part by grant number 90DNIQ0009-01-00, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201.

Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.”

Idaho Living Well Grant cycle with supporting organizations.