Self-Advocacy Training
Policy Statement: How Money Follows the Person (MFP) Helps Support Independent Living PDF
Welcome to Self-Advocacy 101, brought to you by the Idaho Self-Advocate Leadership Network, in collaboration with the Center on Disabilities and Human Development, and the Self-Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center. This training will give you information on what a self-advocate is and how you can become a self-advocate and to share the groups of people who can help you find the services you need to have a better, happy life.
Self-Advocacy 101 PowerPoint PDF
Self-Advocacy 101 Transcript
Welcome to Self-Advocacy 102, brought to you by the Idaho Self-Advocate Leadership Network, in collaboration with the Center on Disabilities and Human Development, and the Self-Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center. This training will help you empower your self-advocacy journey and share examples of respectful positive behavior and negative, angry behavior.
Self-Advocacy 102 PowerPoint PDF
Self-Advocacy 102 Transcript
Welcome to Self-Advocacy: Friendship, brought to you by the Idaho Self-Advocate Leadership Network, in collaboration with the Center on Disabilities and Human Development, and the Self-Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center. This training will help you to make friends and teach you how to be a friend.
Self-Advocacy: Friendship PowerPoint PDF
Self-Advocacy: Friendship Transcript