Meet our Project Director
Ernesto Marquez Montes is the returning Moscow artAbility project director. Ernesto is a student in his fourth year at the University of Idaho as a Psychology Major with an Art Minor, and hopes to pursue a higher degree after he earns his B.S.
He has been an Interdisciplinary Trainee at the CDHD for two years and directed artAbility during the 2019-2020 academic year. You can email Ernesto for information on the workshops, student volunteer opportunities, or any other artAbility questions.
Thank You for Your Support
Thank you to Stepping Stones, Inc. for funding this year's projects.
To the private donor – artAbility is incredibly grateful for your generous donation. Thanks to your benevolence, artAbility is able to provide another year of art workshops for adults with developmental disabilities in the Moscow community. Thus far, your generosity has afforded the costs of art materials and will provide the opportunity for creative exploration and self-expression through art. We can't thank you enough!