14 random acts of kindness

14 random acts of kindness to spread the love this month

14 random acts of kindess to spread the love this month

Valentine’s Day is coming and in the spirit of spreading the love, we’ve put together a list of random acts of kindness. Sometimes it only takes a small gesture to brighten someone’s day, so let’s get out there and start spreading some smiles!

Pick up trash
Whether it’s a wrapper blowing in the breeze or a joint effort to clean up your local park, bringing some sparkle to your community spaces is something everyone can appreciate.

Hold the door
Take an extra second to hold the door for the person behind you. It’s so simple yet so effective!

Volunteer your time
If you have a free hour or two, check out local charities or organizations to see if they can use some extra help.

Help someone with their groceries
If you see someone that might need a hand getting their groceries to or in their car, offer to help. Chances are you’ll both walk away feeling better about the day.

Make dinner
If someone else in your home usually carries the cooking load, give them the night off. Prepare a thoughtful meal to show them you appreciate them.

Leave a generous tip
From baristas to delivery drivers, service staff have really stepped up through the pandemic. If you can afford it, show your appreciation with an extra tip.

Leave a good review
Got a favorite coffee shop that does the best latte? Or know of an organization doing great things for the local community? Let them, and everyone else, know with a positive review on their website or social media.

Send a card or two
Reach out to your friends and family with a good old-fashioned card (sent via snail mail, of course). Extra points if you make it yourself. It’ll be a fun surprise that’s sure to bring a smile to their face.

Pay a compliment
From good service to great style, letting someone know that you appreciate their effort is a great way to make their day.

Make a donation
Food, books, clothing, toys, money … there are many organizations that rely on donations to help the wider community. Research some options in your local area and donate.

Let someone merge
No one likes getting stuck in traffic. Help to ease the stress and the car congestion by letting someone merge ahead of you.

Get to know your neighbors
Introduce yourself to your neighbors, even if you’ve been living next door for a long time. It’s a great way to cultivate community spirit and open the door to neighborly help whenever it might be needed.

Write a thank you note
From teachers to mail and package delivery persons, there are a lot of people out there whose hard work can go unnoticed. Let them know you’re grateful for their help with a little handwritten thank you note.

Simply smile and say hello
Next time you’re passing someone on the sidewalk, smile and say hello. You’d be surprised at what a difference this simple kindness can make in someone’s day.