Idaho CDHD Front and Center summer 2024

Idaho CDHD Front and Center summer edition is out

Front and Center: summer 2024 edition is out!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! The summer edition of Front and Center is out and features a whole line-up of exciting news from the last quarter.

This latest edition of our quarterly newsletter covers May to July 2024, and, boy, have we been busy! Perhaps the biggest news was Dr Julie Fodor’s retirement. After 31 years of stellar leadership, Julie has started the next exciting life chapter. You can read more about her time at the CDHD and get some insight about what she hopes for the future of the Center.

On a related note, former Associate Director, Dr Cari Murphy has stepped in as Interim Director for the CDHD. Did you know that she’s been at the CDHD since 1993? It’s true!

Find out more about Cari’s professional history and get a look at her vision for moving forward. Dr Janice Carson, Director of the Idaho Assistive Technology Project and Idaho Competitive Integrated Employment (ICIE) Center has also stepped up as the Interim Associate Director.

Speaking of ICIE, our newest project officially kicked off this summer! We couldn’t be more excited to see this one getting off the ground. Find out how staff are already kicking goals and helping Idaho’s disability community.

Other highlights of this edition of Front and Center include an award for Interdisciplinary Training Coordinator Olivia Lebens, new leadership for the Idaho Project for Children and Youth with Deaf-Blindness and a new self-advocacy training module. Read all about it and more.

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If you’d rather see Front and Center delivered straight to your email inbox, all you have to do is sign up for our mailing list. Each edition will be sent directly to you.

You can expect four editions covering news, information and resources from the Center and our projects. This includes upcoming events, training opportunities, awards and achievements, and the latest news and announcements.

For more information and to read the summer edition, check out the Front and Center page on our website.